WelcomeApplication for International Agents and Recruitment PartnersLoading... Thank you for your interest in working with the University of Arizona! As a top research institution, the University of Arizona prides itself on offering a worldclass education to over 50,000 students. We are seeking partners with expertise in international student recruitment and counseling to the United States in order to add vibrancy to our global campus and community. Agency applications at the University of Arizona will be reviewed twice per year. The anticipated schedule goes as follows:Summer Review Deadline: July 31 Summer Notifications: August 31Winter Review Deadline: December 31 Winter Notifications: January 31 Please complete the below application honestly and in full. Following the above review deadlines, a committee will review your application, verify information, check references and follow up with any questions. If you have questions in the meantime, please contact Director of International Admissions, Katie Van Wyk, at kvanwyk@arizona.edu. Thank you! Company InformationCompany Name*Company Address*Company Address*CountryStreetCityRegionPostal CodeMain Office LocationWebsite*Year Founded*From where do you recruit students? (Check all that apply)*From where do you recruit students? (Check all that apply)*AfricaCanadaCentral AsiaChinaEast Asia (Korea, Japan, Taiwan)EuropeIndiaLatin AmericaMiddle EastSouth Asia (Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal)Southeast AsiaContact DetailsContact Name*Contact Title*Phone*Email*Application DetailsNumber of Years Recruiting for the US*How Many Students has the Company Successfully Referred to United States Universities and/or Colleges over the last three years: 2023/242022/232021/22Total students sent abroad per year*Estimated per year enrollment potential for the University of Arizona?Undergraduate*Graduate*Number of employed student counselors?* How many of your employed student workers have studied/worked/lived abroad?*Please provide details below:* Types of services offered to prospective students? Which, if any, services do you charge for?* U.S. Partner Institutions (please list):* References (institution, name, title, email and phone number) Reference 1*Reference 2*Professional Membership and Certifications (Check all that apply)Professional Membership and Certifications (Check all that apply)AIRC CertificationICEF Agency Training CourseAustralian Education Agent Training Course (EATC)The Canada Course for Education AgentsNew Zealand Specialist Agent Accreditation (NZSA)Education UK British CouncilOtherPlease provide the name of the professional membership or certification: Do you require participation in your agency fairs?* YesNoIf Yes, Estimated Cost*Do you require extra marketing fees for your institutional partners?*YesNoIf Yes, Estimated Cost*Do you use sub-agents?* YesNoIf Yes, Total Number*Have you ever been dismissed from representing a U.S. institution?* YesNoIf yes, please explain:* Do you currently contract with any aggregators? (Check all that apply)Do you currently contract with any aggregators? (Check all that apply)ApplyBoardINTONavitasShorelightStudyGroupWellSpringOtherIf you selected other, please provide the name of the aggregator with which you contract: If this application is successful, my company agrees to comply and to ensure, that to the extent its services are provided on behalf of the University of Arizona. Name of RepresentativeDateDateJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930312000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202021202220232024202520262027202820292030203120322033203420352036203720382039204020412042204320442045Submit